Post 6: The Process of WP2 — A Reflection

Anthony Oro
2 min readMar 10, 2021

Writing WP2 was a process that encouraged me to really look inward. Something about putting that down in writing form just really organized made me organize my thoughts in a way that is very clear and in stages. I have never been super great at writing essays but I do find myself constantly writing random thoughts into the notepad on my phone. For the longest time this has been the way that I keep myself from forgetting important things throughout the day. WP2 really reminded me of this in the sense that it was like a small reflection of how my journey through music has been, and I put it down on paper.

There is something about writing in a less structured way on a piece of paper in words that makes the ideas that I write about more solid in my mind. It makes everything more clear and organizes the thoughts in my head. As I put down each of the five songs that I was going to write about, they now became more concrete. Instead of these just being songs, I now think of each song as a stage in my life. I now notice how much each these tunes actually affected me. It means more to me now that I wrote it down.

Personally, I enjoy this less-structured way of writing more than the typical five-paragraph format. This is because now I can write about topics that I genuinely enjoy and have experience in which helps me write from a place of excitement. I also feel that I can provide more value to the audience this way. This is because I have most likely actually lived through the things that I write about.

